PC-DNC Plus is a powerful CNC file management software package that runs on a Windows PC and communicates with your CNC Machine Controller over a wired or wireless network. It uses the standard COM ports of your PC to communicate to one or hundreds of CNC Controllers. Using off-the-shelf serial device servers, PC-DNC can manage the entire shop floor's CNC programs all from a single PC located anywhere in the building.

Additional features include:
Up or download using the CNCs keyboard
For all versions of Windows
Uses standard serial COM ports
Use wired or wireless Ethernet serial devices
Communicate at up to 115,200 baud
Easy drag & drop file queuing
Request files using serial barcode readers
Record touch-probe data for part inspection
Use clients from anywhere on your network
Queue up files with a smart phone
Easy mid-file (tool break) startup
Mazatrol CMT file I/O.
Includes our powerful PC-DNC Editor
Each port configured individually
Machine cycle time monitoring
Control tool offsets using bar-codes